About Maxikova Language Preschool
Maxikova Language Preschool was opened in 2008/2009 and specializes in developing the potential of children aged one to seven years. Thanks to our smaller class sizes we are able to give each child the personal attention they need to develop their talents and skills.
Many of the classes in our existing preschool and nurseries are taught in English by qualified teachers. The composition of our lessons, including the artistic and physical actvities, correspond directly with the General Education and Training Programme.
Our programme also includes a unique activity called MaxClever. This activity employs a set of techniques and specially designed training which results in an increase in the intellectual capabilities of preschool aged children. This programme, unique in the Czech Republic, has been established via close cooperation with Dětská mensa ČR and Centrum nadání, o.s. (Leading organisations in pre-school education and training in the Czech Republic which unite people of above-average intelligence).
Would you like more details? Contact us: 776 22 44 55 / reditel@maxikovaskolka.cz